Home» Events» Ruby Meetup Nepal on January 10, 2016

Ruby Meetup Nepal on January 10, 2016

RubyNepal is a developer community devoted to support, encourage and spread the use and adoption of the Ruby programming language in Nepal. To achieve this goal, they have been organizing Ruby Meetups every 2nd Sunday of the month. This time, RubyNepal is organizing a meetup event on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at CloudFactory.

There are two presentations lined up for the event.

  1. Performance Improvement of Rails Application by Sadiksha Gautam
  2. Scaling CI with Docker @CloudFactory by Bikash Kaji Basukala

ruby meetup nepal

Sadiksha Gautam is currently working as a Software Developer at EnerNOC, a Ruby on Rails based company in Munich, Germany. At the event, she will be sharing her experience on improving the performance on both client and server side.

Bikash Kaji Basukala is working as DevOps Manager at CloudFactory. He will speak on how his team scaled Continuous Integration(CI) tests with Docker. In this presentation, he will be talking on the development workflow optimization at CloudFactory using tools like Jenkins CI, Docker and Github APIs.

To participate in the event, you can RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/Nepal-Ruby-Users-Group/events/226808320/

To get additional information and updates on the event, you can visit Ruby Nepal website or follow Ruby Nepal on Twitter and Facebook.

[ Author Bio: Hi, I am Susan Joshi. Currently, I am working as a Software Engineer at CloudFactory. I love to read and explore cool stuffs in Ruby. ]

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