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KULLABS Smart School – A Breakthrough by Team of Engineers and Developers to Revolutionize the way of Teaching and Learning in Nepal

“Education is the most lethal weapon, because with it you can change the world” – Nelson Mandela

Education has always become an important factor when it comes to change the world. We perceive knowledge from education. We go to school to learn, to educate our self but, getting education is not just educating and preparing yourself to live a better life, education is a life itself.

Thinking to fulfill the need of the society, team from Kul Techno Lab and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. choosed to create an impact on the education sector. With a mission to empower students and schools with all the resources they need on their fingertips, so that teaching and learning would become much more interactive and efficient. They developed a software that could manage everything inside a school and yet be easily affordable, the software is named as Smart School.

kullabs smart schools

Smart School provides all the resources needed for students to study. You can get every notes and study materials for every class, every subjects. It also has a forum where you can interact with other students  and ask any question you like.

A team of engineer and developer dedicated to made a breakthrough to revolutionize the way of teaching and learning in Nepal through this application. At present, the team has been able to put up most of the contents taught in Class 8, Class 9 and Class 10. They are also looking forward to update their site with high schools course contents.

According to stats provided by the site, there are 3,702 notes of different topics, 13,643 registered users, 16,599  exercise questions and 16,154 multiple choice questions. This stats clearly signifies the hard work of the team behind this transforming application and their determination to make the Smart School the best e-learning platform.

In such situation where many schools are closed, Smart school can be the best option to learn for the students.

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